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How digital product creation helped New Balance prepare for the pandemic, and pull ahead afterwards

A swatchbook case study
June 23, 2021
Material hub of sports performance digital components including digital leather, digital embroidery, graphic patterns as well as material lifecycle management.

COVID turned digital materials & 3D assets into survival tools, but the Boston footwear giant could be a guiding light towards what’s going to be possible with digital product creation post-pandemic.

Written by Ben Hanson for the The Interline. Read the full article here.

June 23, 2021

How digital product creation helped New Balance prepare for the pandemic, and pull ahead afterwards

A swatchbook case study
Material hub of sports performance digital components including digital leather, digital embroidery, graphic patterns as well as material lifecycle management.

COVID turned digital materials & 3D assets into survival tools, but the Boston footwear giant could be a guiding light towards what’s going to be possible with digital product creation post-pandemic.

Written by Ben Hanson for the The Interline. Read the full article here.